I have been painting for 30 years and I discovered sculpture 20 years ago. I was born in La Rochelle, on the Atlantic coast of France, and my life choices took me to Newcastle upon Tyne (Great Britain), Toulouse (in the south of France), Paris (everybody knows where that is), Misawa (in the north of Japan) and Cherbourg (in Normandy, near the D-Day beaches), where I live today, sharing my time between my two passions: artistic creation and professional coaching.
Here in Normandy, we are rarely bothered by to much heat, but the sky colours are very beautiful. My colours brings the warmness that we don’t have outside, and I’m happy to share them with anybody who gets a sensation from them.
My paintings and sculptures tell much more about me than my words can. I believe in the wonderful potential of everybody and in events of life. Each new artistic experimentation is like a new country to discover. We are all made up of the mosaics of fragments of our lives, good shared moments, happy or sad souvenirs, we are what we have decided to become.
I have chosen to share with you the paintings and the sculptures of my life. I have chosen to show you my work, with the hope that some of them will surprise you or touch you, with the hope that they will light up your day or daily life, the hope that they will go with you and make you aware that everything is possible in artistic creations.
Art is a means of communication and universal expression. I hope that my art will be able to cross borders and make your smile for the day or longer…

Mes Expositions passées
2016 : Hôtel Ibis (La Glacerie), Salon Nathur (Cherbourg-en-Cotentin)
2015 : Galerie 3 cerises sur une étagère (Paris), Galerie Artitude (Paris)
2014 : Art Shopping au Carrousel du Louvre (Paris), Galerie Artitude (Paris), Médiathèque-Maison des Arts (La Glacerie), Rout’Art 50 (Portes ouvertes Ateliers d’Artistes, Equeurdreville),
2013 : Galerie Marie Laurencin, Hôtel Dieu (Valognes), Bibliothèque Universitaire (Cherbourg), Carré Café (Cherbourg), Restaurant Les Marettes (Urville-Nacqueville), Magasin Déco Sweet Home (Caen)
2012: Manoir de la Coquerie (Querqueville), Magasin Déco Décalage (Cherbourg)
2011 : Salle du Conseil de la Mairie (Querqueville), Salon d’Automne (Cherbourg)
2010 : Office du Tourisme (la Haye du Puit), Salle Orange Bleue (Tourlaville)
2009 : Galerie Pep’Art (Cherbourg), Galerie le Drakkar (Barfleur), Espace Culturel Leclerc (Carentan)
2008 : Château de Gratot (Gratot), Bibliothèque Jacques Prévert (Cherbourg), Exposition “Le mot-image” au Lycée des Sapins (Coutances), Salon d’Automne (Cherbourg), Maison des Arts (La Glacerie)
2007 : Salon d’Automne (Cherbourg), Salon de l’Art au Quotidien (Equeurdreville), Salon des Indépendants (Tourlaville), Exposition Air-Mer Forum (Cherbourg), Exposition Illusions Printanières (Château de Martinvast), Le Carré (Cherbourg)
2006 : Galerie One Garo (Aomori, Japon)
2005 : Salon d’Art Contemporain (Bordeaux), Espace Chartrier (Château de Bricquebec)
2004 : Salon des indépendants (Tourlaville), Bibliothèque Jacques Prévert (Cherbourg)
2003 : Espace Beaux-Arts Plein Ciel (Cherbourg), Galerie Ono (Hachinohe, Japon), Galerie de la Poste (Misawa, Japon), Foire Internationale (Rokunohe, Japon)
2002 : Citizen’s Cultural Festival (Misawa, Japon)
1999 : Salon de l’Art au Quotidien (Equeurdreville)
1998 : Salon de l’Art au Quotidien (Equeurdreville)